Home Guide Excuse Letter for Being Absent in Work Due to Sickness

Excuse Letter for Being Absent in Work Due to Sickness

by BSnop
excuse letter for being absent in work due to sickness

Excuse Letter for Being Absent in Work Due to Sickness – Writing an excuse letter for being absent in work due to sickness is a necessary task that every employee may have to do at some point in their career. An excuse letter is a formal document that informs your employer of your inability to come to work due to illness. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write an excuse letter for being absent and some tips to make your letter more effective.

Step-by-Step Guide on Writing an Excuse Letter for Being Absent

Begin by addressing your supervisor or manager

The first step in writing an excuse letter is to address your supervisor or manager. This is an essential part of the letter as it shows respect and professionalism towards your employer. You can use their official title, such as Mr. or Ms. This will help you establish a formal tone for your letter.

If you are unsure about your supervisor’s title, you can always check with the HR department. Make sure to address the letter to the right person to avoid any confusion or delay in processing your request.

State the reason for your absence

In the first paragraph, state the reason for your absence. Be specific about your illness and provide details such as the symptoms you experienced. Use transition words such as “due to,” “because of,” or “as a result of” to connect your sentences and make your writing flow smoothly.

It is important to be honest about your illness and to provide details about your symptoms, as this information can help your employer understand the severity of your illness. Use concise language to avoid distracting from the main message.

Keep in mind that your employer may require proof of your illness, such as a doctor’s note, so it is important to be truthful and accurate in your explanation. Remember to stay professional and respectful throughout your letter, as this will help maintain a positive relationship with your employer.

State the date of your absence

Be sure to mention the date or dates you were absent from work, including the start and end dates if it was a prolonged absence. This information will help your employer keep track of your attendance and plan accordingly.

Be sure to mention the date in a formal and respectful manner, using appropriate titles and language. Using transition words such as “specifically” or “precisely” can help emphasize the importance of the date and show attention to detail.

Avoid using vague language such as “a few days ago” or “last week,” as this can cause confusion and make it difficult for your employer to keep track of your absence.

Mention any work-related responsibilities you missed

If you missed any meetings or deadlines due to your absence, be sure to mention them in your letter. This shows that you are aware of your responsibilities and are taking steps to address any missed work.

You can start by listing any meetings or appointments you missed and explain the impact your absence had on those events. If you were unable to complete any projects or assignments, be sure to mention them and provide a timeline for completing the work.

Additionally, if you were a part of a team, let them know that you have informed your team members about your absence and any necessary updates. This helps to maintain effective communication and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Remember, being transparent and proactive can help maintain a positive relationship with your employer and colleagues.

Express your willingness to catch up on missed work

If you missed any work, express your willingness to catch up on any missed work. It shows your commitment to your job and your desire to ensure that your absence does not have a negative impact on the company. When expressing your willingness to catch up on missed work, use a positive tone and be specific about the steps you plan to take to catch up.

You can mention that you will work extra hours or seek assistance from colleagues to complete any pending work. This not only shows your dedication to your job but also demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively with others. Remember to be sincere and proactive in your approach, as this will help to build trust and confidence with your employer.

Thank your employer for their understanding

Expressing gratitude towards your employer is an essential part of your excuse letter. Remember to thank them for their understanding and support during your absence. This shows that you appreciate their efforts and value the relationship you have with your employer.

Expressing gratitude can also help strengthen the bond between you and your employer. Use polite and respectful language while thanking them, and try to be sincere in your appreciation. This gesture can leave a positive impact on your employer and make them more likely to be supportive in the future.

Showing gratitude towards your employer can also improve your work environment and make it a more pleasant place to work.

Tips to Make Your Excuse Letter More Effective

Keep it concise

Your excuse letter should be brief and to the point. Avoid including unnecessary details that may distract from the main message.

Be honest

Be honest about your illness and the reason for your absence. This builds trust and credibility with your employer.

Use a professional tone

Use a professional tone throughout your letter. This shows respect for your employer and the company.

Proofread your letter

Before submitting your letter, proofread it for any errors or typos. This ensures that your message is clear and professional.

Follow up with your employer

After submitting your excuse letter, follow up with your employer to ensure that they received it and to discuss any additional steps you may need to take.


Writing an excuse letter for being absent in work due to sickness is a necessary task that every employee may have to do at some point in their career. By following the step-by-step guide and tips provided in this article, you can write an effective excuse letter that communicates your absence in a professional and respectful manner. Remember to keep it concise, honest, and professional, and to follow up with your employer to ensure that they received your letter.

Sample of Excuse Letter for Being Absent in Work Due to Sickness

Sample Excuse Letter 1:

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you that I was unable to come to work due to sickness. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with a severe case of flu that kept me bedridden for the past two days. I experienced high fever, body aches, and fatigue, which made it impossible for me to attend work.

I was absent from work on [date] and [date], and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I am aware of my responsibilities at work and understand that my absence may have affected the workflow. I have already informed my colleagues of my situation and have requested their assistance in completing any pending work.

I assure you that I will do everything in my power to catch up on the missed work and complete all pending tasks on time. I am willing to work extra hours and seek assistance from my colleagues to ensure that there are no delays in the workflow.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I value my job and the relationship I have with the company, and I promise to make up for the lost time.


[Your Name]

Sample Excuse Letter 2:

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you that I was unable to attend work due to sickness. Unfortunately, I contracted a stomach virus that left me feeling weak and dehydrated. The symptoms started on [date] and continued to worsen, making it impossible for me to come to work on [date] and [date].

I understand that my absence may have caused inconvenience and disruption to the workflow, and I apologize for any trouble this may have caused. I missed a team meeting and a deadline, and I am willing to make up for the missed work as soon as possible.

I will be returning to work tomorrow, [date], and I assure you that I will catch up on all missed work and complete any pending tasks on time. I will work extra hours and seek assistance from my colleagues to ensure that there are no delays in the workflow.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I value my job and the relationship I have with the company, and I promise to make up for the lost time.


[Your Name]

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